1) Call to order- Greg -1:00 PM

2) Roll Call and identification of Leagues and Voting members
President – Joe Fisher
Vice President – Brian Gouthreau
Sec/Treasurer - Wayne Neigel
Director – Gloria Gouthreau
  Director – Leanne Pelly
Director – Tom Krewenchuk
Director – Adam Pelly
Referee in Chief – Garth Jones
Technical Director – George Paleniuk

3) League Reps -
                                                     Calgary – Adam Pelly
                                                      Edmonton – Tom Krewenchuk
                                                      Lethbridge – Eric Haapa-Aho

4) Reports 
a)  President’s Report-Greg  
CBF Update –Newly appointed paid Executive Director - Marg Wlotaryk
        Casino – Draw in November 2022. Will be advised of appointed date in April May or              
June 2023
                                    Alberta Membership – Men’s- Calgary 1
                                                                             Edmonton - 2
                                                                              Lethbridge - 1 
                                                                 Mixed - Calgary - 1
               Edmonton - 2
                                                                               Lethbridge- 1
                                                                  Junior – Calgary - 1
                                                                                 Edmonton – 1

 b)  Vice President’s Report -Brian
2022 Nationals- Saskatoon Saskatchewan Tournament was well organized and       
Alberta showed well. The team was selected the Most Sportsmanship Award 
                                      2023 Senior Nationals – Montreal CBF AGM April 9,10   Games April 12,13,14 & 15     
Junior Nationals – Saskatoon Saskatchewan
                                     2022 ABA-Provincial Jamboree - First Tournament since Covid. Thorsby Ab. Great 
                                     attendance.  Will look at returning March next year as facility was great.                              
 2022 November Tournament – November 19 - 2022 Clive Alberta. Possible 6-10     
teams depending on available ice. George to check with Russ (ABA Contact in Clive)     

                c) Referee’s Report – Garth
                                      Don and Garth refereed at the Senior and Junior Nationals this year and 
      represented Alberta well. They both enjoyed refereeing the Provincial Jamboree. It was great to be back on the ice and are looking forward to the 2022 – 2023 season.

Garth spoke with Doug Galt, CBF Referee in Chief, regarding rule changes, additions, etc. going forward. One item that came up was looking at making unsportsmanlike penalties towards Officials a 5 Minute Major Penalty due to past experiences. At the present time this has not been an issue in Alberta but seems it has been in Ontario. Garth is not sure if the rule change will be brought forward at the CBF AGM this year. At the 2023CBF Senior and Junior Championships Doug plans to have Alberta Referees there once again. Garth says both himself and Don are there to support the ABA where and when they can. Garth thanks everyone for their commitment. One last note that Doug recently informed Garth that he is the appointed CBF referee representative at World Championships in Kingston this year. The representative is chosen, alternating years between Western and Eastern Canada. The ABA thanks Garth and Don for their time and commitment to the ABA and the CBF.
d)  Treasurers Report - Financial Statement Presented by Wayne – Motion to beaccepted
Motion to accept by Brian   Seconded by Tom
                                        All in Favor - Accepted

  2022 – 2023 - League and Team Fees - as follow:
                                         League Registrations Due October 1 - 2022     50.00
                                         Team League fees for 2022-2023 Due January 1ST 2023 along w             Team Registration forms (may have to be changed)

Junior funding requests to Wayne by October 31, 2022 -
Discussion on recommendation by Marvin Dobish (our coordinator) that the ABA get a Collaborator for Greg to assist on computer matters. Motion by Gloria to appoint Cecile Palenuik to be Greg’s Collaborator, Greg, Brian and Wayne to discuss Honorarium to be paid. Seconded by Adam.  All in favor – accepted.
Motion by Brian to pay Jan Neigel an Honorarium for past and annual work on the 3 Year Plan submitted Annually. Honorarium to be discussed by Greg, Brian and Wayne. Seconded by Tom. All in favor – accepted.

e)    Technical Director Report -
Junior Development – It was suggested that we use schools for Junior Development    where ice is walking distance, as transportation a problem.  Doing indoor clinics in the Gyms, floor scuffing the floors with the standard brooms a problem.  Wayne suggested putting socks over the head of the brooms as a temporary fix. George to order indoor approved brooms. George says indoor registration can be used for ABA registration numbers. George wants to start using outdoor ice on lakes etc. for clinics and to hold mini tournaments to get more participation.
          November Tournament –

George will start getting teams and players set up for November 19th Tournament   in Clive. Participation expected to be great as response in Thorsby was overwhelming.

On a note – Sylvan Lake teams want to play contact only. They will not be asked to attend November tournament. George to start from the basics in Sylvan Lake and build from there for future development. George says Quebec playing Dek Ball in off season. Sport like broomball but on Outdoor courts. Will check into it further and advise the ABA.  
5) New Business 
     a) Open discussion on future ABA growth Re: Tournaments
Brian suggested the ABA have a set of nets build as not all arenas do not have Broomball nets. George to check with Dave Ramsey if the old ones from Leduc are available. Wayne to check on cost of having a set build. Wayne asked league members if there would be any interest in a January tournament if ice available. Leagues will check and advise.

Wayne suggested ABA continue using smaller towns as ice rentals as costs are less and maybe a chance of local participation.

 6)  Elections -Vice President    2 Year Term                                                                                                                
Call for nominations by Greg.
Brian Gouthreau nominated by Wayne.
Call for other Nominations 2 times.
No others. Nomination accepted by Brian. Elected by acclamation.
Greg mentioned to League Representatives that they need to be thinking running for office in the very near future as the present Executive will eventually retire. They all have been in in office for many years.                                                                                                                                                              
7) - Site of 2023 AGM - Tom and Eric asked if the ABA AGM might be moved to Airdrie or Calgary for better accessibility. Maybe a more central Alberta location. Wayne to look at various locations.

9)  Adjournment- motion for adjournment by Adam. Seconded by Gloria. All in favor. accepted

2022 Annual General Meeting
September 17, 2022
1 PM – 4 PM

ABA Annual General Meeting

When: September 17th, 2022

​Where: ​Okotoks, Alberta



​​​​​​Alberta Broomball Association